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October 10, 2017


  1. I am thinking about choosing my final project from my Creative Writing course as the subject of my Senior Seminar Project. I like this piece because it is the most creative assignment I have ever composed in an English Course. This piece includes poems, short stories, and journals (which i have removed) composed over the duration of the entire course, the final project. Each piece was written according to a set of guidelines. I would like to edit or revise a lot of the contents of this piece. I am playing with the idea of perspective and maybe re-writing some or all of the pieces from a different perspective and adding a different dimension to it by superimposing these pieces over images. I like the creative visuals offered by "The Medium is the Massage". Presenting an image next to or around the text. I also liked the visuals offered by Gibson, with the "Agrippa" piece. i think it would be interesting to have the text scroll across the screen. I also would be interested in experimenting with voice recordings or implementing a video or still. I like the idea of creating something that can be read however, the reader want to read it. I want to provide options for the reader to do so.
    There is another piece I would consider doing in lieu of this. I could only find the power-point for it, bit I know that an actual digital research paper version of it exists somewhere on my old computer. I just have to find it. This piece is about how technology and the media have negative results on people. I think this topic would relate to what we have been discussing and I think that revisiting this topic about six years later would offer some interesting results. I have no ideas on how to make this piece multi-modal, but i think that it is an interesting second option.

    1. Nina, all of this sounds exciting and promising, but you need to quickly become more specific. You need to choose exactly which pieces you will use and how you conceptualize your piece. You will need to identify your professor-advisor that you will meet with next week. Please give me that name as soon as possible, but I expect that to be Dr. Muench.


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